10 Ways to Fix Bluescreen on Laptop

For you who use Windows operating system, I’m sure you already know or have experienced what is known as the “Blue Screen Of Death”, or better known as “bluescreen”. As the name implies, when this error occurs, the monitor displays only a blue screen with white lettering that contains a description of what kind of error occurred. Bluescreen error occurs when there is a serious damage indicated on your computer system. In general, on a laptop or computer, bluescreen occurs when there is a issues or damage associated with the hardware or driver installed.

laptop bluescreen

Some may ask, What is a “driver”? What is meant by “driver” here is a program that became a liaison between the hardware components, including input/output devices (such as a graphics card, network card, keyboard, mouse, webcam, printer, scanner, etc.), with the operating system being used. So we know for example: xxx type of printer driver for the windows7 64 bit versionoperating system.

So, what should we do when our laptops experiencing bluescreen? As already stated above, that in the bluescreen error message has an error code about the error occurred and what actions we should do. But because of the error message displayed is technical, so sometimesit was difficult to know what actually happened and what should be fixed. Instead of searching for the meaning of the error code, you can immediately perform the following steps if your laptop experiencing a bluescreen.

1. Restore Windows system state to the previous period.

In the Windows operating system, there are 3 utility that we can use to restore the settings and installed applications to a certain period, namely:
Last Known Good Configuration - This feature can be accessed before Windows startup
System Restore - Able to restore operating system condition to the the previous period state
Rollback Driver - A utility to uninstall the driver that we use
You can read the following tips for more detailed explanation of these three tools and how to use them.

2. Make sure there is still enough space on the hard drive.

This is necessary especially when an application makes a fairly large temporary files. If the empty space on the hard drive begins to get smaller, then we have to clean up the files that are not needed such as temporary internet files, and so on. For the steps To clean the laptop hard drive from unusedfiles you can read on the following tips.

3. Scan Laptop using Antivirus software

Some viruses can cause a bluescreen on the laptop especially when there are viruses that damage the Master Boot Record (MBR) or boot sector. Before scanning the laptop hard drive, you should verify that the antivirus has been updated and can be configured to scan the hard disk MBR or boot sector.

4. Install Windows Update and Service Pack

Microsoft provides support for their operating system, updates are issued in the form of service packs, security, and other important or optionalupdates. By running Windows update, our computer system is expected to always get the latest features, protected from virus attacks, and other bugs. You can read more tutorials about how to update your windows operating system in the next article.

5. Update Hardware Driver

Besides updating the operating system, it is no less important but often we miss is an update to the drivers of the hardware component installed in the laptop. Most bluescreen cases occur because related to the drivers used. The steps to update computer drivers is one way to fix bluescreen error on the laptop.

 6. Use BIOS default settings.

Configuration errors, such as overclocking in BIOS, can cause a variety of issues including bluescreen error. In some cases, this bluescreen error damage can be repaired by restoring or reseting the BIOS settings to the default settings.

7. Unplug and reseat the RAM Laptop

In one case, sometimes simply removing the laptop RAM and put it back, can repair some damage to the laptop, such as a laptop that unable to boot or bluescreen error. That must be considered is careful when unplug and reseat the laptop RAM.

8. Perform Hardware diagnostic tests.

Some laptops already equipped with a self diagnostic test feature. Run this feature to determine the presence of laptop hardware problems. Record the error messages that appear so if we do not know what it means, we could ask it to a more competent experts.

9. BIOSUpdate.

In some cases, outdated BIOS could cause laptop bluescreen, due to some incompatibilities in the BIOS.

10. Run the laptop usingthe necessary hardware only.

Perhaps this tenth tips will only work if you are an expert at disassembling the laptop components. Loose some hardware components and run the laptop just using the motherboard, processor, memory, hard drives, keyboards, video cards and monitors componentsonly. By doing this removable method on the hardware installed, we expect to know which hardware is causing the bluescreen error on the laptop.

Theseare 10 tipsthat we can try on how to fix the laptop bluescreen error. If you have ever experienced a bluescreen error on your laptop and find a solution, please share your thoughts via a comment below.

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