Fixing a computer that unable to Boot

One of many computer damage that I found so often was the damage that causes a computer that unable to boot. Related to this matter, there are some causes that could occur, such as: first, the computer cannot boot due an error; second, the computer is booting but then came a bluescreen; and third, the computer is booting but then restarted.

Fixing a computer that unable to Boot

To be able to identify and solve this problem of computers unable to boot, there are some tips that can be carried out in accordance with this problem, including:

1. The computer unable to boot and totally dead.

For computers that is totaly dead or have no display and sound at all, try to re-check all the cables attached, ranging from wires that go to the UPS / Stabilizer, the Monitor Power Cable, Monitor cable thay goes to the CPU and all the cable that goes into the computer. Ensure that they are compliance and installed tightly, and that there is electrical current and it is sufficient.

2. The computer unable to boot because of a problem with the BIOS.

Sometimes the computer looks totally dead and will not boot at all is due to a problem with the BIOS.

The first step is trying to shut down the computer and reset the BIOS on the motherboard. It can be seen in the motherboard manual for the product you are using, and find the Reset BIOS menu. Usually to reset the BIOS can be done on Jumper 1 (JP1) located on the motherboard. There is 3 pin, the two of which are associated with a small connector. To perform the reset, just remove and install it to the other 2 pins. For example, 3 pins are 1,2,3 and pins 1 and 2 were connected by connectors, then to do the reset simply by removing and installing the connector on pins 2 and 3. let it be for about 30 seconds or so, then return it to how it was before. Then try turning on the computer.

If you already reset the BIOS and the computer still will not power on, try took off the CMOS battery on the motherboard. Let it be for about 1 minute, then plug it back in and try turning on the computer. If the battery is already old enough, say it more than 3 years for example, then it should be replaced with a new one. Moreover, if the clock on the computer is not appropriate anymore.

If the processor fan / VGA is still spinning, but the computer still unable to turn on, then there is chances that something is wrong with the motherboard BIOS or maybe the motherboard is damaged. Maybe the BIOS needed an update, but prior to updating the BIOS, the computer should be able to turn on in order to enter the BIOS. To do that, try to unplug the hard disk, CD-ROM, and floppy-disk. Then, remove the RAM and attach it to another slot, or use different RAM. This may be repeated several times, until there are signs of life on the computer.

3. The computer unable to boot because the hard disk is not detected.

It is usually marked by the appearance of "Disk boot failure" message. To solve this problem, we can do some things, including:
  • Check the condition of the IDE or SATA cable on the hard disk, make sure it is installed apprpriately.
  • Check if the hard disk has been detected by the BIOS or not, try to check it one by one. If the hard disk is not detected by the BIOS then most likely the problem is with the hard disk.

4. The computer unable to boot due to problem on RAM and VGA card.

Usually characterized by the looping "beep" sound, and there is no display on the monitor. To check this:
  • Trying to loose the RAM or VGA card, clean the pins and reattach it.
  • Try installing the RAM in the other slot.
  • For more than one RAM, remove it first and try one by one.
  • If the "beep" sound is still, try changing the RAM or VGA card.
If the CPU looks worked, the hard disk is spinning and the CPU LED lights are flashing, but still there is no display on the monitor, then the problem is possibly on the VGA card. Try to replace the VGA card or check the VGA card on another computer.

5. The computer will not boot due to processor overheating.

Processor overheating could be the cause of the computer unable to turn on, and when turned on will not boot anymore or it will keep restarting. For that matter, do the following:
  • Check the condition of the heatsink and fan on the processor, whether the fan is still spinning, dirty or even if there are damage on the fan regardless of the holder.
  • If the computer is still able to get into the BIOS, the processor temperature can be seen in the Hardware Monitor section in the BIOS menu.
  • Make sure the processor fan and heatsink is normal, so that the processor does not overheat.
6. The computer can not boot because the hard disk or Windows system is corrupted.

This can be seen from a message indicating that the file is corrupted or missing. To fix this:
  • Try examined the conditions of the RAM first, if installed more than one and do not compatible with each other, usually there is an error message that the windows system is corrupt, so first remove the RAM that does not compatible.
  • Repair hard disk as I have explained in this article of how to fix hard disk
  • Repair the Windows or reinstall your computer Windows system.
Maybe that's a few reasons why a computer can not boot, how to check and fix it. If with all the steps above, the computer still can not turn on, possibly because there is a problem on the motherboard. To find out more detailed motherboard problems, you can use a special tool called PC Analyzer, which is designed to determine the damage to the motherboard. Please share your thoughts about the computer that unable to boot ... may be useful.

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